Our Charities
The Irish Discworld Convention is a not-for-profit organisation, which means that all profits beyond what we need to organise the next convention are donated to charity. On top of this, we also host several fundraising events (most notably our grand Charity Auction). The charities we will be supporting this time are:
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, who have been the main recipient of our charity donations ever since the first Irish Discworld Convention – not just due to the “embuggerance” itself, but also because this charity helps so many Irish people in many ways, whether it's directly helping the sufferers of dementia and Alzheimer’s themselves, or by helping their friends and family come to grips with the seemingly-hopeless situation.
As always, we will be supporting a local Cork charity and another national Irish charity. The Cork charity we've chosen this year is Shine. The Shine centre in Carrigaline work with children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. As well as supporting the kids, Shine supports parents, carers and educators from across Cork City and County and they cater for all abilities. Shine works in the key intervention window where they can have a hugely positive impact on the development of children and give them the opportunity to develop their skills. We hope you'll help us brighten the future of many children with autism.
The second national charity that we've chosen is Age Action. Their positive vision is for Ireland to become the best country in which to grow older. They aim to improve the quality of life of older people, especially those who are most disadvantaged and vulnerable, by enabling them to live full, independent and satisfying lives. They offer a range of supports for repairs, teach computer literacy, fight for the rights of the elderly and promote lifelong learning. They’ve also teamed up with another charity, Suas, to help improve children’s literacy.