About the Venue
In this section you can find out a bit more about our venue, the Cork International Hotel, and its environs, including how to book a room there. Click on the links below to find out more:
About the Venue – An introduction to the wonders of the Cork International Hotel, our chosen venue for IDWCon 2019.
Booking Your Room – You can find out how to go about booking your hotel room for IDWCon in this section.
Getting to IDWCon – We've compiled a list of ways to get to the Cork International Hotel, for all kinds of transport.
Things to Do In and Near Cork – If you have some extra time around the convention, why not visit Cork, Citie of One Hundrede Surprises? Here's a handy guide of various notable sights, activities, and watering-holes, specially prepared for the more Twoflower-like among you.